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    • Goldman prop traders are heading to KKR

      Dan Primack 2010-10-28 07:00 發現相似文章

      Private equity giant Kohlberg Kravis Roberts & Co. (KKR) has agreed to acquire the New York proprietary trading desk of Goldman Sachs (GS), both firms...

    • Another fine for Goldman

      Colin Barr 2010-09-13 05:36 發現相似文章

      Is a big British shoe about to drop on the Goldman Sachs rally?The Financial Times reports the U.K.'s Financial Services Authority could assess a big ...

    • High frequency traders' next target: the speed of light

      Andy Serwer 2010-05-21 12:16 發現相似文章

      Observations, questions, and commentary on today's business news headlines:? Here's a big question: Does the euro really make sense? When a country ge...

    • 高盛自營交易員即將加盟KKR

      Dan Primack 2010-10-28 07:03 發現相似文章

      此舉似乎是響應美國政府的金融改革法案——沃爾克法則(Volcker Rule)。有消息說,兩家公司自今年夏天開始,一直在為此事進行協商。不過,直到明年1月1日,高盛的自營交易員才會正式加入KKR。也就是說,KKR新的長期和短期業務,也只有在此之后才會正式啟動。即將加入KKR的高盛自營交易部門,除了9...

    • KKR: The Sequel

      Carol J. Loomis 2008-02-22 07:20 發現相似文章

      來源:2005年6月號《財富》雜志作者:Carol J. LoomisOlder and wiser, THE FORMER BUYOUT KINGS are still in the thick of the Wall Street action. An extraordinary inside ...

    • KKR的故事

      Carol J. Loomis 2005-08-01 08:00 發現相似文章

      曾經的收購大王年事漸高,更加睿智,但他們仍然沉迷于華爾街事務。本文深刻透視了這家收購行的曲折經歷作者: Carol J. Loomis亨利?克拉維斯(Henry Kravis)滔滔不絕地談論了近兩個小時他的公司,然后帶領記者穿過 KKR 公司(Kohlberg Klavis Roberts & Co...

    • Is NBCU’s star exec heading to MTV?

      Patricia Sellers 2009-12-15 11:10 發現相似文章

      by Patricia SellersRumors are spreading across the Internet that NBC Universal executive Lauren Zalaznick is headed to MTV.“There is absolutely no tru...

    • Goldman Sachs

      《財富》 2011-04-07 10:07 發現相似文章

      排名:23 (去年排名:24)是什么使這家公司如此偉大?這家華爾街的標志性公司飽受詬病,但它高薪聘用的員工對公司忠心耿耿。今年,公司遷至斥資21億美元修建的新辦公大廈,其中有閱覽室、高空休息廳,以及5.4萬平方英尺的體育館。2009年營業收入(百萬美元):45,173網址:www.gs.com ...

    • Always bet on Blankfein

      Paul Smalera 2010-05-05 06:55 發現相似文章

      If you want to know how Lloyd Blankfein is hanging in these days, you could read the SEC complaint against Goldman Sachs, which accuses his firm of fr...

    • Is Bear's Alan Schwartz headed to Goldman Sachs?

      財富中文網 2009-04-29 05:43 發現相似文章

      Schwartz, the last CEO of Bear Stearns, is poised to become Goldman's next big dealmaker.By William D. Cohan, contributorOne of the few remaining myst...

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